
Increase in body dysmorphia and eating disorders among adolescents due to social media: a systematic review

Background: In this study we analysed the role of social media addiction in body dissatisfaction eventually leading to body dysmorphia.

Objective: We closely reviewed how social media creates the urge of attaining unrealistic body images which is impossible in real life but possible in reel-life.

Methodology: We used different search mediums, PubMed, Science direct, and Google Scholar for finding out the effects of social media in influencing body dissatisfaction. However, the rate of body dissatisfaction were measured using the following key indicators: MM and BMI. Result: As per our study review, the key indicators of body dissatisfaction are found to be MM and BMI influenced by social media.

Conclusion: By reviewing different studies and finding out the effects of social media in body dysmorphia it is revealed that social media can highly influence various types of eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. Keywords: Social media, body dysmorphia, anorexia, eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, depression, dissatisfaction, body image, behaviour.


Dr. Sumiya Javaid

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