Editorial Highlights for Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics

Lillian Miller

Published Date: 2020-04-21
Lillian Miller*

Managing Editor, Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, United Kingdom, E-mail: clinicalnutrition@peerreviewedjournals.com

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I am satisfied to present Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (JCND ISSN:2472-1921, Impact factor-1.52), a fast peer reviewed Journal which have a key concerns exceptionally valuable to nutritionists, dietitians, clinical understudies and an asset for clinical practice, as it is plainly depicts the fundamental logical data on clinical nourishment, dietary evaluation just as metabolic investigation identified with illnesses. This journal likewise covers the whole investigation on miniaturized scale and full scale supplements just as applied research on nourishment and dietetics instruction.

I am satisfied to declare that, all issues of volume 6 were distributed online well inside the time and the print issues were additionally brought out and dispatched inside 30 days of publishing the issue web based during the time of 2019.

The principle point of this journal is to move toward the useful use of clinical nourishment and food sources information to assortment of clinical circumstances. The journal publishes unique articles, analyses, publications, audit articles and case report depicting present and up and coming advancements in the fields of nourishment and dietetics. This journal energizes the researchers and specialists, who have enthusiasm for the field of sustenance, investigate.

A portion of the significant areas wherein this journal publishing the ongoing advancements in are: Nutrition, Dietetics, Nutritional Assessment, Clinical Medical Nutrition, Therapeutic Diet, Parenteral Nutrition, Enteral Nutrition, Endocrine Nutrition, Nutrigenomics, Enzymes, Nutraceuticals, Food Microbiology, Public Health and Human Nutrition, Research in Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition Physiology and Metabolism, Nutrient Absorption, Child Nutrition, Nutritional Epidemiology, Nutrition Medicine, Nutrition related Diseases, Drug-Nutrient Interactions and so forth.

Journal recorded and listed in the rumored ordering locales like Index Copernicus, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research Publons, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Cosmos IF, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), World Cat and Secret Search Engine Labs.

During the schedule year of 2019, JCND got an aggregate of 40 compositions, out of which 28 articles were dismissed in the starter screening because of copyright infringement or being out of the configuration and companion survey process. During 2019 around 11 articles were oppressed for production after they are acknowledged in the friend audit process. In the 4 issues of Volume 5 distributed during the year 2019, an aggregate of 20 articles were distributed (at a normal of 5 articles for each issue) of which, articles were distributed from writers all around the globe. All inclusive articles have been gotten to by the exploration researchers and furthermore referred to.

The guest's traffic is the benchmark for the accomplishment of any logical diary and the Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics is continually pulling in watchers over the world. As indicated by the Google Analytics, in excess of 423397 perusers are visiting to our journal sites for submitting original copies, to peruse the most recent research distributed on diabetes and digestion and to allude the distributed substance for conceptualizing their examination study, inferring research speculations, case reports and approving their commitments.

During the schedule year 2019, a sum of four Editors, seven Reviewers joined the leading body of JCND and contributed their important administrations towards commitment just as distribution of articles, and their significant analyst remarks will advantageous to distribute nature of article in the Journal.

I accept this open door to recognize the commitment of Dr. Lillian Miller during the last altering of articles distributed and the help rendered by the publication partner, in bringing out issues of JCND in time. I might likewise want to offer my thanks to all the creators, commentators, the distributer, the warning and the publication leading body of JCND, the workplace bearers for their help in bringing out one more volume of JCND and anticipate their unwavering help to draw out the Volume 6 of JCND in planned time.

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